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I'm not kidding, how to cure sleep apnea! This noisy nuisance affects millions across the world but just keep reading because there is a cure! Sleep apnea is a disturbance of breathing while an individual is asleep. Often times loud snoring will occur with an instant abruption that is followed by choking and heavily breathing and if untreated this condition can be fatal.

First, you have to understand that there are two different types of sleep apnea; OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) and CSA (Central Sleep Apnea). OSA is the most common sleep apnea, this occurs when the flow of air from the mouth and nose is hindered. OSA is common in those who are over weight or obese. Individuals who have large tonsils, adenoids, nasal congestion or blockage may also be at risk of this form of sleep apnea.

CSA is less frequent and is defined as a central nervous system disorder where transmission of the message to the brain is delayed; in this case it's the message to breath. The cause of CSA varies and can stem from many circumstances involving the brainstem such as a stroke, brain tumor and chronic respiratory disease.

Symptoms of this disorder can differ but snoring is the most common and noticeable trait. Snoring may take place when you are asleep on your back, whiles it's possible to decrease it's presence by changing positions it is likely to reoccur and become more evident over time. Naturally, if you are asleep you may not have any recollection of the occurrence however; your spouse or family member will be able to detect the issue and if you sleep alone you may want to place a small recorder on your nightstand and make note of your sleeping behavior. The information that has been collected should be taken to a doctor or sleep expert to further determine your condition. Other symptoms can include frequent urination during the night, dry throats and headaches in the morning and the feeling of irritability, depression and daytime sleepiness.

Solution to treating your sleep apnea: Change in the way that you live! Daily changes for minor sleep apnea may include changing the position you sleep in by keeping all air passages clear, steer clear of alcohol and drowsy medications, cease smoking and consider dieting for weight loss.

But what about those who suffer from severe sleep apnea? Don't worry, a mouth piece or breathing device known as CPA (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) may be prescribed by the doctor. The CPA is a machine that works as a respirator; it fits over your mouth and nose and gently pushes air into your throat allowing your airways to keep from becoming narrow and blocked as you sleep. Continuous use of the CPA is needed in order to treat sleep apnea. The last resort for this condition is surgery. Surgery is performed to widen the breathing passages and sometimes removal or minimization of the tissue in mouth and throat is necessary. Treatment for sleep apnea is available; after all, don't we all deserve a good nights rest?

Sleep Apnea Surgery

Check out this simple, effective way to cure sleep apnea, just click here.

Learn How to Cure Sleep Apnea