Study Ease Your Snoring and Sleep Apnea additional

Sleep apnea can be a very serious disorder. Breathing repeatedly stops and starts through out the sleeping cycle. It occurs in two main types; obstructive sleep apnea or central sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is the more common form and happens when the throat muscles relax. Central sleep apnea happens when your brain does not send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. Complex sleep apnea is a combination of both types.

Symptoms of sleep apnea are very similar for all types. This makes it really hard to diagnose the disorder. The most common symptoms are excessive daytime sleepiness, morning headache, insomnia, dry mouth or sore throat, awakening due to shortness of breath, and loud snoring. Loud snoring is most common in obstructive sleep apnea.

It is recommended to see a doctor if your symptoms are snoring loud enough to disturb others sleep or your own, shortness of breath that awakes you, pauses in breath during sleep, and excessive drowsiness. These symptoms are serious and need to be addressed.

The muscles that relax in the back of the throat support a soft palate, the uvula, the tonsils, and the tongue. When the muscles relax, airways narrow and close as you breathe in. this causes breathing to momentarily stop. This can lower the level of oxygen in your blood; the brain senses the inability to breathe and briefly wakes you from sleep to open the airways again. Normally it is so brief that the person does not remember awakening in the night. People with obstructive sleep apnea are not aware of awakening or other symptoms and tend to think that they sleep well at night.

When the brain fails to send signals to your breathing muscles is central sleep apnea. Awakening with shortness of breath or having a hard time getting or staying to sleep is very common. Heart disease is the most common cause of central of it, and stroke as well. People who have this disorder are more likely to remember there awakening in the night.

People with complex sleep apnea have obstructed airways similar to those with obstructive sleep apnea. There is a problem with the rhythm of breathing and occasional lapses of breathing that are short. People of all ages can get sleep apnea, male or female, old or young.

There are many complications with this disorder. The cardiovascular system can become very strained and cause a high risk for hypertension and hypoxemia. This risk of stroke is also increased. Fatigue is a great complication caused by it, severe day time drowsiness and irritability can occur as well as difficulty concentrating and you may find yourself falling asleep in places like work or driving in the car. Many partners of people who have this disorder are also sleep deprived. It is not uncommon for it to cause problems in relationships.

There are things you can do to relieve the symptoms and help you and your partner get better nights sleep. Snoring and Sleep Apnea Eze by Bell is a product designed to provide relief from the discomfort caused by snoring and sleep apnea. It will allow someone to sleep through the entire night undisturbed. It have all natural ingredients so it is perfectly safe to use regularly.

Sleep Apnea

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Ease Your Snoring and Sleep Apnea